Thursday, 29 November 2012

My Mushroom Hat

Unusual colour for me, any pink colours items don't suit me, no pink eyeshadow, no pink nail varnish, no pink cheek powder, any pink clothes!
 but this...
My new pink mushroom hat ♥♥♥

Monday, 26 November 2012

Summer time

Missing the summer... Beach, BBQ, blue sky, beautiful sunset,Gin and Tonic in the garden!
And of course Smokey!!

Embarrassing Japanese 恥ずかしい日本人の英語


ヨーロッパ圏ではネイテイブの先生を派遣し、英語だけでの授業が5歳から行われているぞ??英語が世界の共通語と見なされている今、日本の英語教育を変えるチャンスかも??そして英語が母国語の皆様。英語が共通語だからといって、外国語を学ぼうとしないその姿勢があんまり好きじゃなーい(´Д`) 違う言語で伝わる、伝わった時の感動を経験してほしい。


Thursday, 22 November 2012

The Tallest Man On Earth

The Tallest Man On Earth in St Bartholomew's Church Brighton


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Diego Fazio

Diego Fazio: A former tatto artist. He used only a pencil and paper.
How amazing!


Little guest in my house... so glad I found her before my cat got and ate her.
My friend calls her Elizabeth. She lives in our garden somewhere now ;)

Good thing of the day: I couldn't find any cake I wanted to eat so I did NOT gain anymore calories.
Bad thing: Working in front of pc for such a long time, my eye sight is getting worse and worse.

Monday, 19 November 2012


Big thank you to my love.

Today's good thing: Worked hard and laughed a lot with my friend during work.
Bad thing: HANGOVER!!Still feeling the damage from yesterday!